Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eeee it's been a while!!

So, I forgot I had a blog. Again. I hate it when I do that!! :( 

Anyways... Jayda is almost 17 months old. She can say and understand well over 80 words and is doing VERY well for her age. I'm so proud!! *tear* She and I are in my hometown in Illinois to help my mom out around the house for a while. Casey is working his hiney off to get us an apartment, hopefully this summer. *fingers crossed* I love my family, but I miss my honey, and I miss Tennessee! I do love that I have my cat, Cabriolet back. Jayda simply adores her! She gives her kisses all the time. It's precious.

I am working on a quilt for Jayda. It will be made up with onesies and receiving blankets of hers that I adored the crud out of, and I can't bring myself to get rid of any of them. I also just crocheted Jayda a stuffed animal net, that I plan on hanging up very soon. Here is a list of what I plan to make in 2013:

- Jayda's quilt (finish it)
- Cloth diapers for Jayda
- Hoodie purse (as seen on Pintrest)
- T-shirt quilt for me
- SOMETHING (I dunno what) for Casey
- Cabi's pillow/bed

There is way more, but these are the ones I want to do the most. I can't wait to do all of these!! I have so many crafts I want to do and so little time! I suppose I ought to do the sewing ones while I'm at my mom's... lol.

- Andie