Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 DS, days 2, 3, and 4.

Day 2 went good. I literally did it right after my last blog post. My legs didn't hurt as much and I did a little bit better. Again, I didn't do jumping jacks, but I'm going to because apparently no one else in the house can hear me doing them (the bedroom I'm in, however, sounds like I'm taking the house down). But then I all out failed. I felt sick Sunday, so I didn't do my workout. Last night I was just so dang tired from the weekend and work (a whopping 2 hours at Pizza Hut) that I was KO'd by 10:30 pm.  Today I work, another whopping 2 hours, but I'm planning on doing my workout before I shower for work. I'm thinking on just starting on Day 1 again... But I'm not sure. I was not planning on taking a 2 day break, but I guess crap happens?

- Andie

Saturday, May 25, 2013

30 Day Shred.

So, I bought and began the 30 Day Shred (DS from here on out). I did Day 1 Level 1 (D1L1) yesterday, along with 15 minutes on the treadmill (only 10 was logged, though.). I am planning on doing the treadmill every other day in addition to  the 30DS. I'm sitting in my comfy pj's procrastinating because Jayda is sleeping soundly (finally). It must take a lot of energy to be a Terrible Two.. even though she's not two yet. I'm going to try to keep up with my blog with my progress so that I can look back and remember. I am tired of giving up and then starting over, and I'm not quitting this time. All of my measurements (other than weight) will be in CM to be as accurate as I can be.

Yep, there they are. Thank you, pregnancy! I think a lot of my issue is water weight, because I'm really bad at retaining water... which sucks. I'm also going to start making Jillian Michaels' "Detox Water" which I've had before and it's sooo good!! If anything, it puts a good spin onto normal water. 

So, off I go! Wish me luck! :)

- Andie

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eeee it's been a while!!

So, I forgot I had a blog. Again. I hate it when I do that!! :( 

Anyways... Jayda is almost 17 months old. She can say and understand well over 80 words and is doing VERY well for her age. I'm so proud!! *tear* She and I are in my hometown in Illinois to help my mom out around the house for a while. Casey is working his hiney off to get us an apartment, hopefully this summer. *fingers crossed* I love my family, but I miss my honey, and I miss Tennessee! I do love that I have my cat, Cabriolet back. Jayda simply adores her! She gives her kisses all the time. It's precious.

I am working on a quilt for Jayda. It will be made up with onesies and receiving blankets of hers that I adored the crud out of, and I can't bring myself to get rid of any of them. I also just crocheted Jayda a stuffed animal net, that I plan on hanging up very soon. Here is a list of what I plan to make in 2013:

- Jayda's quilt (finish it)
- Cloth diapers for Jayda
- Hoodie purse (as seen on Pintrest)
- T-shirt quilt for me
- SOMETHING (I dunno what) for Casey
- Cabi's pillow/bed

There is way more, but these are the ones I want to do the most. I can't wait to do all of these!! I have so many crafts I want to do and so little time! I suppose I ought to do the sewing ones while I'm at my mom's... lol.

- Andie