Monday night I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep or so. I was anxious, excited and really nervous because I didn't know what was gonna happen. Casey and I got to the hospital at about 5:30 and I got signed in and everything and they started me on oxytocin (I think) to induce my labor. Every time my dr would check me, I wasn't dilated but we were hoping I'd start dilating soon. Come bout noon or so, my contractions were about 1-2 minutes apart, some were intense according to the monitor (I didn't feel most of them), and I wasn't dilating. My OB said he wanted to do a c-section because of my blood pressure going up and down, and he thought that she was either a reall big baby or my pelvic bone was too small that she wouldn't come out vaginally on her own.
I was reluctant, but I agreed. Not like I really could have said no, because of the blood pressure and the toxmia, but I really wanted my baby out so I could cuddle her. I got prepped, and I got my spinal (which is the most amazing thing ever created. lol), and with Casey holding my hand my OB opened me up and got Jayda out. He was having a pretty hard time to get her out... I can only imagine what a vaginal birth would have been like!! Casey took a few pictures of her and got to take her back to the nursery while I got stitched and stapled and cleaned up. I got rolled back into the L&D room I was in, and got to hold my gorgeous little girl. She was 6 lbs, 15 oz and 19 inches long. We tried breastfeeding, and it worked great! She nursed for nearly 30 minutes on one side, and then went to sleep. Sadly I was either too drugged up to nurse her or I was too sore to sit up, so I just had Casey give her the little bottles. I kinda regret it now, because she's not latching real well, but I'm hoping once my milk comes in she'll latch.. I'm pumping and giving her the colostrum that I'm getting out.
Casey's done such a wonderful job with her.. You wouldn't have guessed that he'd never really been around babies! He got to change her first diaper, gave her her first bottle (but I win because I got to feed her first lol), and they've bonded so well. He's taken great care of her since I've been too in pain to get out of bed.
I had a bit of a scare Tuesday night.. I guess it's normal that even with a c-section that you bleed.. I passed two really big blood clots and they kinda freaked us out. Apparently it was so much that the nurses were really worried... it was "too much" at one time, I think one said. They kept track of me all throughout the night, and gave me stuff to cramp up and hopefully get my uterus to soften up (I think. I might have gotten it mixed up) and to kinda "relax" the bleeding.. like make it not so much at once. Now it's kinda like period bleeding, which doesn't make me worry so much anymore. I really don't miss that lol.
After that, I was just sore from the incision and after my little bleeding episode they put me flat on my back and raised my legs/butt up to try to get the blood to go the other way. Kinda doesn't make sense to me, and it sucked after a few hours because my back started hurting real bad. I've not laid on my back since before I got pregnant.
Jayda and I are home now. My blood pressure finally started to go down but when I go in Monday to get my staples taken out my blood pressure is going to be checked then too. Jayda needs to be checked again for jaundice in the morning, but I was too out of it to remember to call them before they closed so I gotta call them as soon as they open tomorrow. Casey just picked up my pain medication and I'm feeling it kick in a little bit, which is a relief. I've been out of bed walking most of the day and it's finally starting to hit me.
I know I've skipped a few things,, but I'm so tired and kinda drugged up right now I don't really care lol.
Gonna go cuddle my baby a little bit and feed her again. Or maybe Casey will. lol.
- Andie
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